Hikerkind Features
Amy Chien

Meet Amy Chien, an architectural designer and hiker living in Brooklyn, New York.


Tell us about yourself.

Amy Chien:

I’m Amy. My background is in architecture and I’m currently fascinated by and can’t decide between the modern innovations of biobased materials and the ancient construction using clay-rich soil. Maybe there’s a way to combine the two somehow. In my spare time, I play with my cat, love woodworking, and am teaching myself hand-built pottery. 


Why do you hike? How does it make you feel?

Amy Chien:

I hike because the daily overwhelm in an intense yet vibrant city like New York can be stressful. So I hike when I need time to myself for internal reflection, to reconnect with nature and figure out what my next step is. It allows me to slow down from the breakneck pace of the city, to celebrate the beauty of the wild, and to remember our impact on nature and the planet.


How has joining Hikerkind Hike Club influenced your relationship with hiking?

Amy Chien:

I used to occasionally hike with a group of friends but found myself hiking solo during the pandemic. Once I discovered Hikerkind, I found a community of fellow hikers that I’m very grateful for. Being a part of Hikerkind has brought me joy and when I travel to other cities, I hope to be able to join a Hikerkind Hike Club event and feel instantly at home.


What's your favorite part about Hike Club?

Amy Chien:

The environment that Chelsea and Allison have set up, the people I meet, how much thought and energy is put into every event…!! ! It’s the hike club I couldn’t seem to find before the pandemic.


What was your experience with nature like growing up?

Amy Chien:

Growing up, I was always outdoors - camping with friends and family, skiing in the winters, and hiking with my grandparents in the mountains near Taipei. Nowadays, I still need my fix of nature every so often - I try to make time for it but it can be hard to come by living in the city.


How does the outdoors inspire you now?

Amy Chien:

Being outdoors and being in tune with nature has clarified my purpose which is to live in harmony with nature. Having a strong connection with nature, I find myself more and more concerned with toxicity and circularity in terms of materials, which has led me towards biobased materials and earthen architecture. I can’t stop thinking about how materiality can impact human health as well as the natural balance and fragility of Earth’s ecosystem. I’m hopeful for a shift towards healthier spaces that are conscious of their impact on the planet.

Amy is wearing Cap_01 and Base Bra_01 in size small.

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