How To
Pee In The Woods

Public restrooms are not always available on trail. That's why getting comfortable peeing in the woods is key to fully enjoying outdoor adventures. Remember these tips when nature calls on your next hike.

Where to go:

Find a spot where you have some privacy, such as behind a tree or large rock.

If you're in an open area, face towards the direction other people may appear to expose yourself the least amount possible.

If you're on sloped terrain, pee facing downhill so it flows away from you and not back down onto your shoes. Keep the wind direction in mind as well.

Where not to go:

Make sure to pee at least 200 feet away from water sources, trails and campsites to avoid impacting the natural environment.

How to go:

Place your feet in a comfortable wide stance and squat low to the ground to keep yourself stable.

Wipe with a handkerchief or pee cloth that you can later wash and reuse on your next hike, leaving no trace. If you pack toilet paper, make sure to pack it out.

These suggestions are from a recreational hiker. For tips on what to wear on a hike, check out our guide here.

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